Uhuru holds closed-door meeting with ODM elected governors

The meeting took place at outgoing Mombasa governor Hasaan Ali Joho's office

In Summary

•The meeting took place at outgoing Mombasa governor Hasaan Ali Joho's office

•Present in the meeting were outgoing Mombasa governor Hassan Joho, Gideon Mung'aro (Kwale), Mombasa governor-elect Abdulswamad Nassir together with his deputy Francis Thoya.

President Uhuru Kenyatta
WHO'S NEXT: President Uhuru Kenyatta
Image: PSCU

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Wednesday held a closed-door meeting with newly elected Azimio leaders in Mombasa and Kilifi.

The meeting took place at outgoing Mombasa governor Hasaan Ali Joho's office

Present in the meeting were Joho, Gideon Mung'aro (Kwale), Mombasa governor-elect Abdulswamad Nassir together with his deputy Francis Thoya.

Details of the meeting were not revealed as no media were allowed in.

After the meeting, the leaders proceed to Barka restaurant for lunch.

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