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Hemingways opens new maternity facility in Maasai Mara

The facility has been tailor-made to cater to high-risk pregnancies including adolescent mothers.

Health officials seek Kenyans who attempted to steal poison

When the truck fell, some came with 20-litre jerrycans. But it was carrying dangerous Sodium Cyanide

Scientists find alternative cure for Kala-azar skin infection

A news release from the Drugs for Neglected Diseases project stated on July 17 that scientists had discovered a more ...

Kenya crash survivors spend Sh46bn yearly on treatment

The crashes are preventable. About 10,000 Kenyans survive crashes every year but suffer for life

Officials alarmed by high HIV among sex workers, gay men

They estimate Kenya has 197,096 female sex workers and 61,650 gay people.

Kemri seeks another drug to treat malaria in pregnant women

Expectant women are usually excluded from trials for fear of causing harm to mother and foetus.

Tips to follow to keep bad breath at bay

Regular visits to the dentist help in detecting problems like gum disease, infections, and dry mouth.

Nakhumicha stands firm, gives interns three options

KMPDU's case against Sh70,000 stipend will be heard September. The interns have few options.

Afya House and doctors union fail to agree on posting of interns

Ministry said there will be no talks if the interns continued protesting and sleeping outside Afya House.

Kenya conducts first renal denervation for resistant hypertension

Prevalence of hypertension is high in the country, affecting nearly one in every 4 adults

WHO outlines tobacco quit products; nicotine pouches off the list

These are the first-ever clinical treatment guidelines for cessation in users who want to quit all forms of tobacco

New bold plan to cut HIV in adolescents, teenage pregnancies

Efforts will include focus on education, by promoting transition from primary to secondary school.

Prof Rogo tasked with birthing dream of 20,000 new health workers

KMA President Simon Kigondu said the money to run the new taskforce could have been spent elsewhere

Alarm after polio virus found in Nairobi sewage

This is the second case of vaccine-derived polio virus reported in Kenya this year

Kenyan drugs contaminated, of poor quality, says Rwanda

Recalls are normal and Kenya features prominently because it has EAC's biggest pharma industry

NHIF must settle Sh29bn debts before exit— Nakhumicha

Services were last week extended until the new Social Health Authority is ready

Team formed to help introduce more services in HIV clinics

Effort began about five years ago and stalled. HIV will be integrated into ordinary health services

Dodgy Doctors

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Can't find a name? Send us an email [email protected]

Am I Covered

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Can't find a name? Send us an email [email protected]


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