
Locked Subconscious control

•The conscious mind is the smallest part of your mind and it has a few special abilities •Your unconscious mind cannot ...

Locked The brain is a massive biological computer

•Neuroscience has revealed that the average adult brain has 86 billion neurons •There are at least 20 recognised ...

Locked Why did we lose the client?

•Encouraging participants to explore different perspectives and possibilities helps to foster innovation (the ...

Locked Time and expertise shape strategies

Time and expertise shape strategies

ICT can solve youth unemployment

•Youth unemployment in Kenya is as high as 35 percent (4.5 million young men and women), compared to the overall ...

Locked Quick thinking always starts with emotion

•When you see an angry person in the street, the first thing you register is that she’s angry. Before you realise the ...

Locked Talking is a transaction

•The theory of Transactional Analysis was developed in the 1950s by psychologist Eric Berne to help people understand ...

Locked Empty vessels make the most noise

•I am sure you have been in online meetings where one or two individuals seem to dominate the conversation •Linguists ...

PRIYA SHAH: Simple health data key for outcomes

These guidelines address long standing privacy concerns, including the potential misuse of personal and health data.

Locked Decision making techniques

•Rational decision-making involves gathering information, analysing it, and weighing the pros and cons of each ...

Locked Managers must change tack in supervising staff

•A new way of working, is where managers give guidance rather than instructions, and employees are given a chance to ...

Locked How to handle Narcissists at work

•It’s never easy managing difficult employees but, if you don’t act, they may end up managing you •Although people with ...

Locked Dealing with Narcissistic Personality Disorder

•Understanding narcissists can help you manage your team better and coexist with narcissist leaders or ...

Locked Emotional intelligence versus intellectual competence

•In the world of Organisational Culture Transformation we are very interested in encouraging something we call ...

Locked How to ease the January burden

•In many ways, January is a month in which good leaders really can make a difference •Experience shows that if you help ...

The Good Samaritan

•Cooperation rather than collaboration tends to be the behavioural norm in any workplace •Recent studies show that ...

Locked How Your Attitude Affects Innovation

•Broadly speaking, people tend to view innovation through three primary lenses: opportunity, threat, or mystery •The ...