
Some of DP Gachagua's controversial remarks

Gachagua, who had previously vowed to "lay traps" at State House, now finds himself in significantly weaker position.

ODM CS nominees: What Raila said

Four ODM leaders have been nominated to the cabinet

Kenya's past Olympic Games flag bearers

Omanyala, Atuka to lead Kenya at Paris opening ceremony

What Raila men said after being nominated as CSs

Ruto had said that he was looking to consult widely to form a government of national unity.

1st batch: Vetting dates and time for CS nominees

The vetting will be undertaken by the National Assembly’s Committee on Appointments.

2nd batch: Vetting dates and time for CS nominees

The vetting will take place at the Mini-Chamber, County Hall, Parliament Buildings from 8 am.

3rd batch: Vetting dates and time for CS nominees

The vetting will take place at the Mini-Chamber, County Hall, Parliament Buildings from 8 am.

4th batch: Vetting dates and time for CS nominees

Vetting will be spread across four days, where at least five nominees will be vetted from Thursday to Sunday

Who is Soipan Tuya: Defence CS nominee

In a statement on X, Tuya pledged to give her best if she is confirmed the CS by the vetting Committee.

President Ruto's Cabinet Secretary nominees: The full list

Ruto, however, did not name the Attorney General and East African Community and ASAL nominees.

Pending cases before various courts involving police officers

DPP Ingoga said there are pending cases in Laikipia, Meru and Taita Taveta.

Ex-CSs who have been left out

President Ruto released his list of CSs nominees; two slots were left vacant

Raila allies nominated as Cabinet Secretaries

They will now be vetted by Parliament.

Probe over alleged police shootings during protests

On Rex Masai murder, the DPP said CCTV doesn’t show who pulled trigger

Who is the youngest nomimated CS Eric Mugaa?

He is poised to head Water and Sanitation Ministry

Diaspora remittances: Money in, Money out

The largest source of diaspora remittances was from North America and Europe.

Andrew Mwihia Karanja: The Agriculture CS nominee

His career started as an extension officer at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development.