Rift Valley

Country has enough maize stock to last until next harvest, says PS

The PS said the status of the national food security has improved from May

Bii bans office tea, withdraws chase cars to cut cost in Uasin Gishu

Governor orders all his officers to be accountable for their actions

Wheat production expected to drop after farmers reduce acreage

The growers cite high cost of production and poor prices; urge government to review duty for imported wheat.

African religious leaders raise concern over increase in public debt

They are now calling for debt forgiveness and processes to support economic development.

Anxiety as bus with over 50 passengers involved in accident

Incident happened along the Nairobi-Nakuru highway

Farmers reject plan to privatise country's sole supplier of seeds

The plan to privatise KSC comes less than a year after the government allowed GMO in the country

Nomination of sacked CSs disappointing, says Catholic bishop

The move by President William Ruto was cosmetic and Kenyans were disappointed by the newly appointed Cabinet ...

Women group out to restore endangered King’wal swamp ecosystem

Human activities, such as tree felling for charcoal production, have posed a hazard to the ecosystem

Appoint Cooperatives CS with Sacco experience, Ruto urged

They say the sector has the potential to greatly impact the economy if well-managed.

Court hands woman 20 years imprisonment for defiling boy, 15

She had pleaded not guilty but after five witnesses gave their testimonies, the court found her guilty.

North Rift youth urge Ruto to reappoint Murkomen to Cabinet

Say he played critical role in the election of Ruto and he has done a good job as Roads CS

Grief as bodies of 2 children found wrapped in a blanket

The bodies were found by a man who was constructing a fence around his farm in Kericho

Cop, husband’s toxic marriage led to murder, testifies officer

Nzau says couple often quarrelled, man attempted to stab his wife who in turn shot him 12 times

You'll carry your cross if implicated in graft, Natembeya tells executives

Governor has put officials on performance contracts and committed them to ensuring zero tolerance to corruption

Police block pro-Murkomen protests in Eldoret

“We urge the President to re-appoint Murkomen to the Cabinet because he had done a good job.”

Governor Bii seeks to reduce Uasin Gishu wage bill by 10%

Says the county collected Sh1.4 billion in the just-ended financial year.

Supplies agency decentralises services to 10 regions

KISM chairman John Karani says they have so far established 10 chapters.