Drop one man, one shilling revenue formula and support devolution, says MP

She says the proposed formula is against the principles of devolution and equitable sharing of resources.

In Summary
  • Haika said a fair resource allocation formula should promote equitable development in all counties
  • She said sharing revenue based on the population will derail development in sparsely populated counties
Taita Taveta woman representative Lydia Haika and former woman representative Joyce Lay during UDA Women Summit at Mwatate, Taita Taveta County on Saturday
Taita Taveta woman representative Lydia Haika and former woman representative Joyce Lay during UDA Women Summit at Mwatate, Taita Taveta County on Saturday

Taita Taveta Woman Representative Lydia Haika has asked individuals pushing for the one man, one shilling revenue formula  to drop the idea and support devolution.

She said the proposed formula is against the principles of devolution and equitable sharing of resources.

Haika said the formula is likely to propel further marginalisation of the already marginalised counties.

"Let us support devolution through allocation of more resources to the counties, strengthening of NG-CDF and NGAAF. The one man, one shilling idea is retrogressive and misplaced," Haika said.

She spoke during the United Democratic Alliance women summit in Mwatate, Taita Taveta county on Saturday.

Haika said a fair resource allocation formula should promote equitable development in all counties.

She said sharing revenue based on the population will derail development in sparsely populated counties.

"Low populated counties are less developed compared to the densely populated counties. Therefore, a fair formula should be embraced to reduce the discrepancy," Haika said.

She advised politicians to desist from divisive tribal politics and safeguard the gains achieved through devolution.

Haika praised UDA for advancing women leadership and empowerment as it conducts its grassroots elections.

"This women summit marks a significant milestone in our continuous efforts to bolster community involvement and advocate for the pivotal roles of women in both political and economic realms," she said.

She said UDA is banking on the vibrant women wing to make more inroads in the county and recruit more members.

The women's summit brought together hundreds of UDA members and leaders from the county.

"Today's summit reaffirms our steadfast commitment to fostering an inclusive environment where women can thrive and assume leadership roles across all sectors of society," Haika said.

County UDA women movement chairperson Joyce Lay underscored the need to empower more women to take up leadership positions.

She said the movement is meant to champion for inclusivity and participation of women  in leadership.

"This is a platform to raise our voices for equality, unity, peace and for the better development of our county," Lay said.

She said the women wing is part of a strategic team working on bolstering the party and roping in more members.

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