Mandago tells off Governor Bii over Finland education scam

Bii spoke after angry parents stormed the governor's office at Kapseret demanding a refund.

In Summary
  • The senator said he handed over the programme to Bii's administration with more than Sh104 million in bank accounts under the overseas education trust.
  • Bii revealed this week that the account only had Sh1.8 million with a deficit of Sh84 million.
Uasin Gishu Senator Jackson Mandago speaking in Eldoret on July 14th 2023
Uasin Gishu Senator Jackson Mandago speaking in Eldoret on July 14th 2023

Uasun Gishu Senator Jackson Mandago has come out to defend himself over the Finland education stalemate saying he did not swindle any money meant for the programme.

The senator said he handed over the programme to Bii's administration with more than Sh104 million in bank accounts under the overseas education trust.

Bii revealed this week that the account only had Sh1.8 million with a deficit of Sh84 million.

"Let everyone carry his own cross. Those complaining should also look for the senator so that he explains what he knows because the programme was started during his tenure," Bii said.

Bii spoke after angry parents stormed the governor's office at Kapseret demanding a refund of the money they paid to the county to have their children go to study in Finland.

The angry parents forced the handlers of deputy govenor John Barorot to cut a fence to enable him to get away from the agitated parents.

Mandago has accused Bii of failing to offer leadership to resolve challenges in the programme instead of running away.

"As a leader, they didn't have to run away from parents going to the extent of cutting a fence so that they escape," said Mandago.

Mandago has asked Governor Jonathan Bii to stop running away from the issue and avoiding parents who have been protesting in Eldoret demanding a refund of more than Sh300 million.

More than 200 students failed to travel to Finland for studies despite paying the money through the county.

Bii said he had nothing to do with the Finland and Canada overseas education programme because it was initiated by Mandago

In response, Mandago explained that he was ready to record statements with EACC or DCI if needed.

Mandago said he had initially kept quiet on the matter because it had been taken over by the investigation agencies.

"I have however come out through the media because the governor invited me to do so," said Mandago.

He challenged Bii to call for a joint meeting to resolve issues over the education programme instead of politicising the same.

Mandago said he still believes in the programme noting that the current hitches can be resolved with all stakeholders playing their roles.

Mandago said he was ready to carry the cross concerning the programme to the day he handed over office after which Bii took charge.

"If there are issues the best thing would have been for the govenor to call a meeting with me and parents so that we iron it out instead of playing politics with the same," said Mandago.

He said govenor Bii can not run away from the programme because he initially issued a statement admitting the county was rectifying challenges and later suspended three officers linked to the scam.

Mandago said Bii had also travelled to Canada to follow up on the same programme.

Mandago admitted that while he was govenor he initiated the programme to help student study in Finland and

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