Kisii deputy governor under fire after meeting Arati's rivals

The agenda of the meeting was not made clear.

In Summary
  • Nyaribari residents turn the heat on Deputy Governor Robert Monda over 'defection to UDA'
  • Accuse him of scuttling his boss' agenda after a weekend meeting with Osoro and Onyonka, critics of Arati
A section of Nyaribari Masaba and Nyaribari Chache residents and leaders during a press conference in Kisii (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)
A section of Nyaribari Masaba and Nyaribari Chache residents and leaders during a press conference in Kisii (IMAGE BY MAGATI OBEBO)

A section of residents of the two constituencies of Nyaribari- Masaba and Chache - in Kisii have denounced County Deputy Governor Robert Monda.

Addressing the press on Monday, the residents accused him of collaborating with United Democratic Alliance party politicians in the region to scuttle Governor Simba Arati's development agenda.

The move by the residents comes two days after the Deputy County boss (who hails from Nyaribari Chache) hosted Majority Chief Whip Sylvanus Osoro, Senator Richard Onyonka and Woman Rep Donya Toto in his residence for dinner.

The agenda of the meeting was not made clear.

Monda did not address the press and Instead referred journalists to the South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro

The Saturday meeting took place shortly after Onyonka, Osoro and Toto castigated Arati over allegations of failing the electorates.

During the Saturday night event, Osoro said the Deputy Governor had expressed 'deep disappointment with the absorption of development funds in the devolved unit'.

Also in attendance were MPs Japhet Nyakundi (MP Kitutu Chache North) and Daniel Manduku (MP Nyaribari Masaba)

A section of Ward Reps, many of whom had since abandoned the Arati camp, also attended.

Osoro said other discussions during the dinner centred on the running of the account as well as the 'punishment' some MCAs were facing for questioning the county.

"We have raised the matter with the DG which we hope he will take up with his boss," he said.

Senator Onyonka who earlier had agreed to drop a bombshell regarding the divorce between Monda and Arati did not speak to journalists.

On Monday, however, dozens of residents from various Wards spread across Nyaribo Masaba and Nyaribari Chache said Monda's political move does not carry their blessings.

"As the residents, we are sad that he has joined detractors who are fighting the governor and we want to distance ourselves from the move," stated a statement read by Melzedeck Ratemo.

The Deputy Governor, they added, made a personal move that had no blessings from them.

"As a people, we reiterate our support for the governor and his development agenda for the people of Kisii," read part of the statement.

The residents further asked leaders Osoro, Onyonka, Toto and now Monda to give Arati the peace he needs to fulfil his mandate to his people.

Ratemo Said it was time Monda clarified if he had stepped down from his office.

"If he has resigned, let him tell us so that a replacement is done," they said.

Among those in the press conference were Gesusu MCA Anthony Onkundi (UDA), Kiamokama MCA Malack Matara and Nyaribari Masaba politician Joel Gesuka.

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