Busia gets boost in bid to promote cultural tourism

County and museums agree to promote community engagement in research and documentation through exploration, studies, and mapping and profiling activities

In Summary

• They will set up heritage centres, botanical gardens and museums.

• Plan to landscape open cultural sites, and document and gazette the sites.

Busia governor Sospeter Ojamong with Teso MP Augustine Osuban at a past Teso Culutural Festive in Kakapel
GIVE US BAMBOO: Busia governor Sospeter Ojamong with Teso MP Augustine Osuban at a past Teso Culutural Festive in Kakapel
Image: FILE

The Busia County Government and the National Museums of Kenya will jointly conserve and restore the county's cultural and natural heritage. 

They have agreed to promote community engagement in research and documentation through exploration, studies, and mapping and profiling activities. These are some of the efforts included in the MoU signed on Friday during the Bunyala North Culture and Sports Expo at Budalang'i High School.

Deputy Governor Moses Mulomi signed on behalf of Governor Sospeter Ojaamong. NMK director-general Mzalendo Kibunja approved the partnership. Sports, Culture and Heritage PS Jospheta Mukobe, Culture, Sports, Tourism and Social Services executive John Mwami and Purity Kiura, the NMK director in charge of Antiquities, Sites and Monuments, were present.

They will set up heritage centres, botanical gardens and museums, landscape open cultural sites, and document and gazette the sites. Some cultural tourism projects will improve livelihoods. They include craft, dance and music.

Also targetted are annual cultural festivals, community engagement workshops, and identification of youth heritage managers to lead cultural tourism efforts.

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