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MUGA: Roots of youth unemployment crisis

It is only through industrialisation that enough decent jobs could be created.

MUGA: Nobody really understands debt

The more I studied this issue of national debt, the more the waters seemed to get murkier.

MUGA: Early exit from the president's corner

Battle lines being drawn so early this time around deviating from established pattern.

MUGA: Is Kenya in 'post-tribal' political dispensation?

Has the moment arrived at last? Is Kenya at last on the cusp of post-tribal politics?

MUGA: Prosperity requires institutions, infrastructure

These two provide the enabling environment for private sector investment, which in turn creates jobs.

MUGA: Somalia, Haiti and endless cycle of chaos

Somalia’s 30 years of chaos is nothing compared to Haiti’s 200 years of epic levels of chaos.

MUGA: Demographics will overturn current political dominance

Calls of one man, one vote, one shilling unwise.

MUGA: For Kenyans, education is everything

None of the US 'goodies' will mean as much to individual Kenyans as that there are apparently many scholarship ...

MUGA: Kenyan deputy presidency always a crown of thorns

Anyone who ascends to that office should accept this as just part of the way we do things here in Kenya.

MUGA: Welcome to the permanent campaign

To have any hope of victory, you have to start out very early, and campaign relentlessly for years.

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