Correspondent, Kisii

BIO: The Star correspondent covering Kisii and Trans Mara

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Kisii traders edgy amid planned Saba Saba protests

Business went on as usual albeit cautiously even though no protester turned up.

Trader killed by unknown people in Menyinkwa, Kisii

The body of Justus Okari was found sprawled on the tarmac, meters from his Mwamoriango home.

Businesses remain shut in Kisii for fear of possible looting

Traders say they were still monitoring the situation before reopening

Thirty injured, one killed in Tuesday protests in Kisii - Arati

Security agencies were yet to give a brief about the demos.

Eateries, cloth dealers in Kisii count losses as demos heat up

At least three proprietors reported significant vandalism and destruction on their eateries.

Traders report looting as protests continue in Kisii

Downtown, bonfires were lit up on the Kisii-Kisumu highway outside Aghakan Hospital

Business slow in Kisii as demos gain momentum

Police were stationed at each supermarket in the town to thwart any looting attempts.

Onyonka calls for state burials for youths killed in demos

"Let the flags be lowered a half mast as a sign of respect to them."

MP Manduku asks President Ruto to dissolve Parliament

The Nyaribari Masaba MP says the House was desecrated during the anti-Finance Bill protests

Students in Kisii burn tyres, demand for principal's ouster

They asked CS Education Ezekiel Machogu to transfer the principal immediately

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