Correspondent, Turkana

BIO: Hesborn Etyang has been a Journalist since 2016 joining Radio Africa Group in 2017 as a correspondent. He is currently the correspondent in charge of Turkana county.

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Youth injured in Turkana protest hospitalised - police

"Mbona mnanipiga bure? Mimi nimekuja kutetea mtu ambaye ako nyumbani hana kazi."

Turkana residents decry drug shortage in health facilities

However, the Turkana county government said there are sufficient drugs available in health facilities.

10 schools in Turkana selected for digital literacy pilot project

ICT clubs will be established where learners in Grades 4-8 will be guided to use Scratch

Turkana prepared to curb cases of yellow fever

Yellow fever is a viral disease that is transmitted by infected mosquitoes that bite during the day.

Turkana launch Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention to curb malaria cases

The Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC) is being piloted among children under five years in Turkana

State revokes the license of 67 mining companies in Turkana

CS Mvurya has vowed to deal firmly with illegal mining to protect the sector.

Strange contagious eye disease hits Kakuma refugee camp

The disease is suspected to be viral conjunctivitis presenting with red eyes.

Turkana leaders clash over location of Aroo subcounty offices

Kindiki last month announced he will within two weeks operationalize the subcounty.

Turkana among best counties in establishing primary care networks

The county has rolled out seven PCNs, with four more yet to be established in Aroo, Suguta, Turkana East and Turkana ...

Security situation has improved in Turkana- CS Kindiki

Kindiki spoke in Lodwar, Turkana on Thursday after meeting the security and intelligence team.

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