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Kilifi receives 1 million free mosquito nets in Kemsa initiative

The last-mile distribution of mosquito nets started in January 2024.

Amina Mohamed's impact on Kenya-Japan diplomatic ties

I was fortunate enough to see history being made by spearheading a groundbreaking project in collaboration with the ...

Include all in growth strategies, World Bank tells Kenya

Bank calls for clear strategies that will see growth in people’s disposable income

Persons with disabilities excluded in job market – report

County government does not see people with disability as capable workers, those interviewed said.

Where sexual ritual is a must if you want bumper harvest

"A woman cannot proclaim to be in control of things that she found in place when she came from her home."

Is Climate change big agenda for Ukraine government?

Ukraine’s Minister of Environmental Protection says they are preparing to open the Climate Office

How safe is treated Fukushima radioactive wastewater?

Over 1.34 million tonnes of water has accumulated since the 2011 tsunami destroyed the plant.

MUREITHI: Why we need to invest more in digital economy

Lack of digital skills is a barrier to meaningful participation in a digital society.

Ex-Taita Taveta Governor hasn't been appointed CEC

The former governor has not been appointed by his predecessor.

Quote attributed to Kapsoit MCA Paul Chirchir fake

The MCA has denied making the utterances.

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