David Muchai LLB

Writer, Author & Content Creator at XLNC Media Inc
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A fight before the wedding

Talk of children sobers up perpetual bachelor to what he's signed up for

The return of Mort Ishan

Shell-shocked mortuary attendant comes back with a morbid offer

The wedding location quandary

Bachelor's passive role is ended with a tough assignment

Day I discovered I’m married to a ghost

Man dressed like the Grim Reaper gives Makini the shock of his life

Doomed to wed Ms Harper

She planned it since she was 16, I just needed to show up and say I do

Our house is now a den of thieves

A stint in hell ensues when Makini dares question household budget

‘Bachelor party’ a bad idea

Visions of a sassy stripper lap dacing on me kill my marriage vibe

Muguka going out of fashion hurts Kevo

Farmer goes round in circles trying to report his distress

Have I been as fake as I now feel?

Bachelor gets cold feet as a walk down the aisle beckons

Mwendaa’s advice to the powers that be

Asked if he remembers his past life, he gives another gem of a reply

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