Digital Journalist

BIO: I cover politics and current affairs. I have previously covered East African entertainment and business. I have interest in geopolitics and expertise in content management, data analysis, strategic planning, photography and social media management.

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Gachagua to ex-CS Ndung'u: We are proud of you as our son

"As you hand over to the new Treasury CS, walk with your head high."

Obama, Michelle endorse Kamala Harris for president

"We’ve got your back."

Interior ministry: What we have achieved so far

The achievements are some of those from pre-election promises made by Kenya Kwanza administration.

Joho, Mvurya will deliver in their ministries – Ruto

"I have faith in these two gentlemen from the Coast."

You carry hopes of all! Rachel Ruto tells Team Kenya

"May you cement Kenya's legacy in athletics and show the world our indomitable spirit."

US Embassy condemns arrest of 90 protesters in Uganda

"The freedoms of expression and peaceful assembly are fundamental to democracy."

Details of Ruto's phone call with US Secretary Blinken

"Blinken underscored that the security forces need to be held accountable."

Widows of ex-KDF officers call for review of benefits policy

In 2022 retired President Uhuru Kenyatta signed into law the Military Veterans Bill, 2022.

I'm not ready for any Attorney General position – Kalonzo

"No such thing. I am not interested."

Kindiki to Ruto: Thank you for uniting the country

Ruto on his part described Kindiki as a hero, for the work he has done for the country.

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