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Corruption cases will soon be concluded in 6 months – Ruto

He said the law will be changed to facilitate expeditious conclusion of graft cases.

Siko soko! Ex-CS Jumwa insists she's still in government

"I was among those who formed this government...I'm not going anywhere."

Mudavadi to Kenyans: Let's be patriotic people

“Even when we have problems, we must follow the law.”

MPs question health sector’s reliance on external funding

MPs said the agencies advance their interests at the expense of Kenyans.

Climate resilience key to peace and security- PS Dokota

Says climate resilience would mitigate against community conflicts

Natembeya, Malala lead Western leaders in unity push

The leaders have organised another meeting in Kakamega on Monday

PSC: State internship program has benefitted 25,000 interns

Former interns have petitioned PSC, demanding automatic permanent absorption into the public service.

Refurbish one warehouse at a time, MPs direct KPCU

MPs say modernising multiple warehouses at a go is ineffective

State is streamlining beef, leather value chain - PS Mueke

The PS committed to developing local beef market and leather industry

John Ketora to succeed John Mbadi as Nominated MP

Ketora who was listed alongside Mbadi as potential Workers representative is next on the list.

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