Journalist and Political Writer

BIO: Moses Odhiambo is a news enthusiast with a bias in politics and economy reporting. He is also experienced in news editing and publishing.

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MPs approve Sh3.5bn budget for police pay raise

Officers have had no pay adjustments since 2020 when Covid struck

KDF joins 97th anniversary of Chinese army’s birth

Chinese officials urge countries in Horn of Africa to foster peace, development

Teachers, police job seekers hit as MPs okay budget cuts

MPs upheld cuts affecting TSC budget, provisions for police recruitment

MPs protest mileage perks cuts, zero budget for IEBC panel

Parliamentary Service Commission says it has no money to facilitate the recruitment of new IEBC commissioners

MPs seek EACC probe on role of Uhuru-era officials in Telkom buyback

The lawmakers say the buyback was to be executed through a bond and not cash from the exchequer.

The plan to have Chinese teachers in every school

Four years after lingo was added to syllabus, schools still can't teach it

Locked Eyes on Parliament as MPs return to full in-tray

The lawmakers return today from a month-long recess to a battered 'august House

Posta financial mess worsens as debt piles to Sh9bn

Auditor says corporation's future in doubt in wake of Sh6.7bn negative working capital

Why Treasury is under fire for budget cuts

Government departments, including independent offices, complain of funds slash without consultations

30,000 civil servants face ouster in Ruto retirement order

President said state would release workers who are above 60 years

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