Correspondent, Murang'a
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Murang'a relocates specialist hospital to save Sh1.2m rent

Eye and dental hospital has been operating in Kenol town since 2015 when it was started by former Governor Mwangi wa ...

Sh161m power projects to benefit 3,552 Nyeri residents

PS Wachira says the government is implementing Sh42 billion last mile projects across the country.

Appoint Cooperatives CS with Sacco experience, Ruto urged

They say the sector has the potential to greatly impact the economy if well-managed.

Lands ministry rolls out Ardhi Sasa digital platform in Murang'a

State embarked on the process of digitising records in 2021 and is the second registry after Nairobi

Crucial plans won't be affected by budget cuts – MP Nyoro

MP says his committee will begin reviewing the budget next week

Sh42 billion to connect rural homes to electricity grid

Energy PS says new connections will push the national coverage up from 75 per cent to 78 per cent

School heads demand release of learners' capitation

Schools have received about Sh10,400 out of the Sh22,244 allocated per student annually

Poor funding blamed for highmaternal and neonatal deaths

Health facilities in 11 counties were sampled, all found to have inadequate equipment

Hiking taxes not solution, Governor Kang'ata tells Ruto

Kang'ata said huge amount of funds ends up in people’s pockets, eating into the country’s development.

Murang'a CEC charged with stealing Sh8m in house break-in

Macharia, a  roads executive, however denied the charges before a Kandara magistrate's court

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