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Develop policies that support farmer seed system, says lobby

Maina says farmers are the custodians of traditional seeds through established seed banks

Lobbies call for policy reforms to protect natural heritage

Group warns of an alarming destruction and over-exploitation of sacred sites and natural forests

Country has enough maize stock to last until next harvest, says PS

The PS said the status of the national food security has improved from May

Young scientists to showcase innovation and technologies

The festival seeks to inspire the next generation of researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs

Pupils in Bomet start library with profits from bean farming

Programme encourages parents to grow high-iron beans and pay school fees with legumes.

Locked Rice seed contract farming offers income opportunity for farmers

Kalro says high demand for rice in the country has necessitated the need to develop more varieties

PRINT: Farmers advised to cultivate sunflower and soybean to slash feed expenses

Shortage of raw materials is a big challenge to the growth of the animal feed sector, says PS

Intensive farming could raise risk of new pandemics – study

Effects of intensifying agriculture may contribute to emerging infectious disease risk, says study

Kenya is 60 per cent animal feed deficient, says PS

While the feed requirement is about 55 million tonnes annually, there is a significant shortfall in meeting the need.

Ministry moves to cushion farmers against high cost of milk

Mueke says besides expensive feeds, climate change has also contributed to the situation

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