Mama Rachel to teachers: You are heroes, we appreciate you

In Summary
  • "Teachers are the backbone of society, and they deserve our gratitude and appreciation."
  • "I want to thank all the teachers who are making a difference in the world."
First Lady Rachael Ruto
First Lady Rachael Ruto

First Lady Rachael Ruto has expressed her appreciation for teachers as the world marks Teachers' Day on Thursday.

Via her X platform on Thursday, Racael said that today is worth celebrating teachers in Kenya and around the world who inspire, educate, and empower their students.

"Teachers are the backbone of society, and they deserve our gratitude and appreciation," she said.

Rachael, being a teacher herself, knows how challenging and rewarding this profession can be.

"As a teacher myself, I know how challenging and rewarding this profession can be. I have seen the impact of teachers on the lives of their students, and I have also learned a lot from them," Rachael stated.

She termed teaching not just a job but a passion and calling.

"I want to thank all the teachers who are making a difference in the world. You are heroes, and we appreciate you," she said.

Every year on October 5, the world commemorates World Teacher's Day to recognise their contribution to education and honor them. 

World Teacher's Day was proclaimed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1994 when it was first celebrated. 

This was after UNESCO and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) held an intergovernmental conference in 1966 in Paris, France to discuss issues affecting teachers.

World Teachers' Day has been observed annually to honor teachers and highlight their significant contributions to education and society.

It serves as an opportunity for governments, educational institutions, and individuals to appreciate and support the important work that teachers do worldwide.

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