Why The New Ocharge App Is Taking Nairobi By Storm!

OCharge team during during the Nairobi Innovation week summit at the University of Nairobi.
OCharge team during during the Nairobi Innovation week summit at the University of Nairobi.

So ..let's say you've got KES 500/= to spend on airtime for the whole month and you want to make the most out of it. I'm here to show you courtesy of the new Ocharge App that's the talk of the town. How? Please follow my lead.

It's a really cool Android app that offers you the best and most affordable deals in the country across categories like food, fashion, entertainment, travel and wellness, all at no extra cost to you. All you need to do is recharge your airtime.

When you recharge your airtime using the Ocharge app, you get the kawaida SMS DATA and talktime AND you get OCHARGE points for EQUAL VALUE.

What are these OCharge points, you ask? They're points that enable you to pick up fantastic deals that are exclusively available on the Ocharge app. Buy 100 shillings of airtime, get 100 OCharge points automatically and use them to pick and redeem any deals you find on the app, which will give you discounts of EQUAL VALUE.

For example, you recharge airtime worth 500 shillings, you get 500 bob airtime AND you get 500 Ocharge points. With these 500 points, you can pick up a deal to buy TWO King Size Burgers from Steers for the price of ONE, which is just 500 bob. You pay for just ONE burger, and you get the other burger ABSOLUTELY FREE!

So get on the OCharge app right now, and find a deal you LOVE!! If you don’t have the app yet, go to the

and look for

. #RechargeWithBenefits

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