MPs to grill suspended KNH boss Lily Koross over surgery mix-up

Suspended KNH CEO Lily Koros. FILE
Suspended KNH CEO Lily Koros. FILE
Suspended KNH boss Lily Koross will on Thursday appear before parliament's health committee to answer questions on the

February 19 brain surgery mix up.

She will be accompanied by the Director of Clinical Services Bernard Githae who was also suspended.
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Health CS Sicily Kariuki suspended the two to allow for investigations to take place following a public outrage.
Koross only suspended the trainee doctor, and anaesthetists and two nurses who were part of the operation.
On Wednesday, the health workers who were reinstated back to work by the management of Kenyatta told MPS that

there was an error in identifying the correct patient.

The medics said the error was discovered late into the operation.
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Both patients

were discharged after responding well to treatment.

The management of Kenyatta submitted its preliminary report last week.
Another report being compiled by the Kenya Medical Practitioners

and Dentists Board will be handed over to the CS on Thursday.

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