Fun facts about dogs

A female dog can cannibalize its puppy after birth or a few days after.

In Summary
  • Some dog owners have also made money from breeding dogs. You can buy, be gifted one, or even adopt one.
  • Their sense of smell is 40 times better than that of humans. This is why they are used as sniffer dogs.
And turned to the right when the faces looked surprised, possibly because dogs view it as a non-threatening, relaxed expression.
And turned to the right when the faces looked surprised, possibly because dogs view it as a non-threatening, relaxed expression.

Most people often prefer having dogs as pets rather than cats. Dogs are considered man’s best friend.

The breeds range from Husky, German Shepherd, Bulldog, French Bulldog, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Rottweiler, among others.

Some dog owners have also made money from breeding dogs. You can buy, be gifted one, or even adopt one.

Apart from being known as man’s best friend, here are some interesting facts about dogs.

Their sense of smell is 40 times better than that of humans. This is why they are used as sniffer dogs.

They have 18 muscles for moving their ears. This allows them to pick up sounds, especially of higher frequencies.

A dog's nose is the equivalent of a human fingerprint with every nose having a unique pattern of ridges and creases.

They pant to cool themselves since they sweat only through their paws.

They mark their territory using the glands in their paws.

Your dog's smartness is equaled to that of a two-year-old.

They have two color receptors while humans have three. Therefore they only see in shades of blue and yellow.

They can smell your feelings.

Your dog can be envious.

Dogs dream just like humans.

Their tail wagging has different meanings. When your dog wags its tail to the right it is happy but if it wags to the left it is frightened.

Puppies are deaf and blind when born. This is because they are still developing.

A female dog can cannibalize its puppy after birth or a few days after. This might or might not happen.

And turned to the right when the faces looked surprised, possibly because dogs view it as a non-threatening, relaxed expression.
And turned to the right when the faces looked surprised, possibly because dogs view it as a non-threatening, relaxed expression.
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