Ruto should reduce foreign travel team

Appearances matter - the President does not need to travel abroad with such a large entourage.

In Summary

• The state has spent Sh12 billion on domestic travel and Sh6 billion on international travel

• President Ruto has secured substantial foreign investment on his international trips

President William Ruto hoists Kenya's flag at the International Vaccine Institute headquarters in Seoul, South Korea, on June 5, 2024
President William Ruto hoists Kenya's flag at the International Vaccine Institute headquarters in Seoul, South Korea, on June 5, 2024
Image: PCS

There has been a lot of criticism of President Ruto's foreign travel. In the last 3o days, he has been to the USA and Korea and is about to go to Italy for the G7 meeting.

Some of this criticism is misguided.

He is flying the flag for Kenya and is putting Kenya on the international map. He has secured investment commitments such as the $500 million committed by South Korea for the Konza technocity.

In the last year, Kenya has spent Sh12 billion on domestic travel compared to Sh6 billion on international travel. We are spending far more on jaunts by local politicians than on trips by the President.

But appearances matter.

The substantial tax rises in the Finance Bill are not popular with voters. It would look better if the President tightened his belt on foreign trips. 

He does not need to travel with a huge entourage. Ruto travelled with 31 people (not counting his wife and her people) to the USA. Did those governors and MPs really need to be there with him?

So let President Ruto continue his trips abroad but let him cut down on the people who travel with him.

Quote of the day: "To speak and to speak well, are two things. A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks."

Ben Jonson
The English playwright was born on June 11, 1572

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