CCTV captures lioness hunting in residential area

The incident happened in Nazarene area of Ongata Rongai along Pasha Drive

In Summary
  • The big cat did not appear perturbed by the motion security light which lit the area after being triggered by her presence.
  • A couple of other online users called the attention of the Kenya Wildlife Service to the disturbing footage through tags. By press time, the Service was yet to respond.
A lioness is caught on CCTV on a hunting mission at a residential area in Nazarene, Ongata Rongai.
A lioness is caught on CCTV on a hunting mission at a residential area in Nazarene, Ongata Rongai.

Fear has gripped residents after CCTV footage emerged online showing a lioness hunting in a residential area in Nazarene, Ongata Rongai.

A couple of other users called the attention of the Kenya Wildlife Service to the disturbing footage through tags. 

By press time, the Service was yet to respond.

The undated clip indicates that the incident happened at a home located on Pasha Drive at 10 pm.

The 1m 39sec footage shows a lioness stealthily approaching the gate of a well-secured compound before landing on top of the concrete wall holding a metal gate in a single leap.

The big cat did not appear perturbed by the motion security light which lit the area after being triggered by her presence.

From the 17th second, she bid her time and waited patiently until the light went off then jumped inside the compound as the time hit the 49th second.

At exactly the 9th second after the minute mark, she emerged clutching what looked like a dog between her jaws and jumped down.

The lioness then took a few steps forward whilst pulling her prey between her legs before stopping suddenly in what appeared like a moment of reflection to catch her bearing.

She then turned and walked towards the direction she had appeared from and disappeared from the camera’s view.

The clip was shared widely by different users on X and elicited mixed reactions from Kenyans.

The majority observed that the lioness was in her natural habitat as the area lies within the wildlife migratory route to Kitengela.

“The residential home is in the jungle, so literally the lion is right, these are trespassers,” one user said.

“This is dangerous manze. Na vile wanafunzi hutoka as early as five for school,” added another.

The incident adds to other such occurrences where wild animals on the prowl were caught on CCTV in residential areas within Ongata Rongai.

The area borders the Nairobi National Park and lions and hyenas do occasionally stray into homes, sometimes resulting in the loss of human life and mauling of domestic animals and livestock.

In early February, two people, including a Multi-Media University student, were attacked by a hyena in Rongai.

In a statement, KWS said the two were attacked and grievously injured by hyenas on the evening of February 5 at around 8 pm in the Ole Kasasi area of Rongai, Kajiado county.

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