There's pain but it's not in vain – Mudavadi

Said tough economic times won't last.

In Summary
  • Mudavadi in a statement on Sunday said the government continues to put in place all measures to cushion Kenyans from the high cost of living and harsh economic times.
  • The PCS said it has taken long to have in place the right measures to tackle the high cost of living.
Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi during the swearing in ceremony of President Emmerson Mnangagwa on September 4, 2023.
Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi during the swearing in ceremony of President Emmerson Mnangagwa on September 4, 2023.
Image: PCSP

Prime Cabinet Secretary, Musalia Mudavadi has called on Kenyans to have hope and confidence even as the government does its best to deliver on its mandate.

Mudavadi in a statement on Sunday said the government continues to put in place measures to cushion Kenyans from the high cost of living and harsh economic times.

Mudavadi further noted that President William Ruto’s government has had to make painful decisions to manage the country's national debt and fix other areas of the economy, especially uplifting those at the lower cadre of the economic pyramid.

The PCS said it has taken long to have in place the right measures to tackle the high cost of living due to the fact that the first six months were spent settling down and putting the right talent and plans in place.

"We have had to make painful decisions to manage our national debt for which the previous regime borrowed to stay afloat. No doubt there is pain that we are taking, but it is not in vain,” Mudavadi said.

“Honestly, it is short-time pain for long-time gain. The previous regime gave Kenyans a false sense, resulting in long-term pain," he added.

Mudavadi said Ruto had taken what he termed as the ‘whole-of-government’ approach to break down the traditional silo mentality in serving the public.

On taxation, Mudavadi affirmed that the deductions being made across are not in vain.

According to the PCS, contributions are going to support the education sector, provide a platform for improved healthcare while allowing citizens to become homeowners and ensure NSSF has enough funds to proffer benefits to contributors in retirement.

He insisted that the government has kept and will continue keeping its campaign pledges in order to deliver as promised.

"Electoral promises are made based on information available at the time. We have kept the majority of campaign pledges."

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