A female legislator from Western region seems to have become a nuisance among her colleagues, including those from her own community. Recently, some lawmakers from her backyard were heard bitterly complaining how the lady has become "Mrs Know All". She has crossed paths with nearly all her colleagues and apparently never takes advice or retract a statement even after stepping on toes. The lawmakers said they will henceforth ignore the lady and will no longer invite her to crucial meetings and media conferences where they articulate issues affecting their community.
Male communication officers in a crucial establishment were overheard complaining that their boss, who has a soft spot for a young damsel, forces them to send their articles to the damsel to proofread before the articles are published. The disgruntled staffers who are older and more experienced than the lady are a dejected lot because they allege that their boss is embarrassing them since the lady uses Artificial Intelligence applications and a dictionary to insert difficult English words that end up eroding the articles and making them meaningless. But the honcho, who is not a journalist, believes the girl is the best communicator and writer because she throws the thesaurus into the write-ups.
A petition sent to various government agencies is causing sleepless nights among some powerful individuals, some of whom have exited government. It alleges the existence of ‘web of conspiracy’ by the senior and politically connected officials that fleeced the country of billions of shillings. The powerful individuals reportedly protect each other from scrutiny, including parliamentary oversight. Some of the funds, the damning dossier alleges, were traced abroad and returned. The monies were to be used on a key infrastructural facility.
Still in Parliament, why are two male lawmakers from the ruling party, and who happen to hail from the same region, not seeing eye to eye? The two youthful legislators never talk to or even greet each other even when they come face to face in the corridors of Parliament. Recently, the two Waheshimiwa happened to share a table alongside another parliamentarian but they never talked despite their colleagues cracking jokes on their frosty relationship. Attempts by the colleague to get them chatting failed flat as one of them walked away in apparent protest.