Lawyer wants Sakaja order stopping building approvals revoked

Sakaja last month ordered all building development approvals stopped pending fresh review.

In Summary
  • In the appeal filed before the PLUPLC, Victor Odhiambo says Sakaja's undated notice is neither statutorily supported nor backed by a gazette notice.
  • According to Odhiambo, all communication on planning matters should fall under the ambit of the county executive committee and not the governor.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja.

A lawyer has petitioned the County Physical and Land Use Planning Liaison Committee to strike out Governor Johnson Sakaja's decision to halt all building development and excavation approvals in Nairobi county.

In the appeal filed before the PLUPLC, Victor Odhiambo says Sakaja's undated notice is neither statutorily supported nor backed by a gazette notice.

According to Odhiambo, all communication on planning matters should fall under the ambit of the county executive committee and not the governor.

"The unilateral decision by the County Government to halt the consideration and issuance of building approvals is unconstitutional and a violation of the right to a fair administrative action as provided for under section 4(3) of the Fair Administrative Action Act,” says Odhiambo.

Odhiambo accused Sakaja of not conducting public participation before deciding to halt all building plan approvals, an action he says amounts to a “unilateral pronouncement and decision" on a major policy decision.

"There is a greater public good to be realized by the county government in strictly abiding by the well laid down planning and approvals regulations as opposed to a blanket stoppage of all new planning approvals,” reads part of the appeal

The lawyer said compliance issues should be continuous and not based on the governor's fiat.

The committee has since invited Odhiambo for a meeting on May 28, to be held at City Hall.

"You are hereby invited to a meeting to be held on Tuesday 28th May 2024 at City Hall court no. 3 at 11am."

Sakaja, County Government of Nairobi and Nairobi City County executive committee member - Building, Environment and Urban Planning - have been listed as respondents in the appeal.

Architectural Association of Kenya and National Construction Authority have been listed as interested parties.

Sakaja last month ordered all building development approvals to be stopped pending a fresh review.

“All building development approvals have been halted for now until we can review all those that have been issued and are continuing in the city,” he said.

Sakaja also directed that all solid waste be dumped at the Dandora dumping site, warning that licences of errant service providers would be revoked. 

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