Joy, ululations as Ruto and Biden address joint press conference

The two were then ushered to inspect the Guard of Honour.

In Summary
  • They matched across the lawn in sync with the tune. As they moved out, Ruto shook Biden who also greeted his daughters.

How President William Ruto was received at the White House for the joint press conference.

Presidents Joe Biden and William Ruto arrive at the White House to address the press.
Presidents Joe Biden and William Ruto arrive at the White House to address the press.

It was a joyous occasion on Thursday as Presidents Joe Biden and William Ruto arrived at White House.

The first to arrive was Ruto and his wife. They were then followed by Biden and his delegation. The two greeted the government officials before standing at the podium.

"Ladies and gentlemen arise for the national anthem for both the US and Kenya."

The anthems were played as delegates stood.

The two were then ushered to inspect the Guard of Honour.

They matched across the lawn in sync with the tune played by the soldiers . As they moved out, Ruto shook Biden who also greeted his daughters.

"Welcome, welcome," Biden told Ruto's daughters.

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