
No pain without gain- Wetangula asks Kenyans to back Ruto

He says Kenyans should rally behind him so that he can transform the country.

In Summary
  • He was speaking in Bura town, Fafi constituency where he was the chief guest during the flagging off and inspection of several projects done by the CDF.
  • Wetang'ula said that President Ruto was the right leader to take the country to greater heights saying that he was determined to develop the country evenly, equitably and equally.
National Assembly Speaker Mosses Wetangula speaking.
National Assembly Speaker Mosses Wetangula speaking.

National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang'ula has urged Kenyans to fully support President William Ruto’s administration saying things will be okay with time.

He was speaking in Bura town, Fafi constituency where he was the chief guest during the flagging off and inspection of several projects done by the CDF.

Wetang'ula said that President Ruto was the right leader to take the country to greater heights saying that he was determined to develop the country evenly, equitably and equally.

President Ruto’s administration has come under attack from a section of Kenyans minding several tax measures that his administration has introduced.

However, according to Wetangula, it was not right to criticize Ruto’s administration but to rally behind him so that he can transform the country.

National Assembly Speaker Mosses Wetangula being dressed in a somali rigalia.
National Assembly Speaker Mosses Wetangula being dressed in a somali rigalia.

“I have always said that there is no change without pain. It comes with challenges. So let's face these challenges so that we can together transform our country,” he said.

He called on residents of the area that has had insecurity challenges to closely work with the security apparatus to weed out the bad elements hiding in their midst.

On Raila’s candidature as the African Union (AU) Commission chairmanship, Wetangula said that the country would fully support him saying that he was up to the task.

Wetangula says that Opposition Leader Raila Odinga should be fully supported to land Au job to act as a consolation for his long struggle to seek the country’s presidency.

The ODM leader has contested 5 times for the country’s top job, the latest being in 2022 when he came second to President William Ruto.

Speaking to the media in Nairobi last week Thursday, the former prime minister said he is ready to serve in that position, having previously held the position of AU High Representative for Infrastructure.

Raila said that serving as the AU High Representative for Infrastructure gave him the advantage of learning about each African country.

 “This is the turn for Kenya and we will fully support him knowing very well that once he bags that seat, it is not going to be his, but our seat as a country. He is going to be Kenya's candidate and we know that he is equal to the task,” Wetangula said.

Wetangula who has in the last two previous elections been a close ally of the opposition leader, supporting his Presidential candidature twice, in 2013 and 2017, before choosing to support Ruto, said that Raila can lead Africa.

He added:

“We are going to support him unequivocally and unconditionally to go and become the chairman of the African Union so that he flies our country’s flag high. He has contributed immensely in various sectors in our country so let him go and do it for Africa."

The speaker who once served as the chairman of the African Peace and Security Council when he served as the foreign affairs Minister during President Mwai Kibaki’s regime said that he will personally use his networks to seek support for Raila across Africa.

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