Azimio remains one and is here to stay - Karua

The Narc Kenya boss spoke after Raila Odinga chaired the coalition's Summit meeting.

In Summary
  • The Tuesday meeting responded to claims of infighting within the coalition, saying all is well.
  • All constituent parties have rolled out activities to strengthen themselves ahead of 2027.
Narc Kenya party leader Martha Karua.
Narc Kenya party leader Martha Karua.
Image: FILE

The Azimio La Umoja One Kenya coalition has resolved to allow constituent partners the leeway to embark on parallel activities as they strengthen themselves ahead of 2027.

The decision which was arrived at on Tuesday means that constituent parties will continue with their own grassroots activations campaigns across the country without fears of hurting each other.

The meeting was crucial coming at a time when there is speculation about the future of Azimio following months of friction among its top brass.

The Raila Odinga-led opposition coalition said "Ázimio remains one and is here to stay" dispelling concerns over an acrimonious fallout over 2027 ambitions.

The coalition, which held a key Summit meeting on Tuesday, said they had agreed that each party would remain firmly in the outfit even as they revamp themselves.

"The coalition has agreed on strengthening Azimio and its constituent parties. The coalition partners have been able to agree on fundamental strategies and tactical positions," Azimio said in a statement read in part by Narc Kenya boss Martha Karua.

'"We agree that the coalition is only as strong as its constituent parties."

This was the coalition's first meeting this year amid signals that its top leadership could be drifting apart over competing 2027 presidential ambitions.

The meeting also comes in the backdrop of a clash between Karua and Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka over the former's aggressive push for the Kamwene Unity Forum.

The forum brings together Azimio leaders from the Mt Kenya region ostensibly to push for the populous bloc's interests.

Kalonzo had termed the push as selfish and driven by a "'terrible individualistic political policy, saying it was ''dead on arrival''.

This comes at a time when Kalonzo and DAP-K leader Eugene Wamalwa have stepped up their 2027 presidential campaigns amid reports of a possible joint ticket.

In a deliberate strategy to seal loopholes and address concerns that leaders were sprinting for 2027 by revamping their parties, the meeting noted that there will be no roadblocks for outfits strengthening themselves.

"The summit affirmed its commitment to the renewal and strengthening of all the Constituent parties through various strategies including members recruitment drive, delegates conferences and NEC meetings,'" Karua said.

Raila's ODM is one of the parties that have rolled out an all-out countrywide activation drive, triggering speculation that the former premier could be plotting a sixth stab at the presidency.

Over the last week, Raila camped at the Coast where he held meetings with ODM grassroots leaders and led an aggressive membership recruitment campaign.

On Tuesday, Karua said that the individual parties had agreed to pursue a common programme that addresses the challenges that the country is going through that also advances and defends the gains of democracy.

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