Don't mistake Ruto's courtesy for cowardice - Malala tells Raila

Malala accused Raila of seeking power through the backdoor.

In Summary
  • Through its secretary general Cleophas Malala, the party has appeared to rubbish the fresh demands as 'unworkable'.
  • "We want to categorically state that, we as a party, shall not accept any process that is outside the purview of the constitution or offends the law as established," said Malala.
UDA party secretary General Cleophas Malala addresing Kirinyaga UDA grassroot leaders on Friday. IMAGE WANGECHI WANG'ONDU
UDA party secretary General Cleophas Malala addresing Kirinyaga UDA grassroot leaders on Friday. IMAGE WANGECHI WANG'ONDU

Opposition leader Raila Odinga should not mistake the President's Olive branch as a sign of cowardice, the UDA party now says.

Through its secretary general Cleophas Malala, the party has appeared to rubbish the fresh demands as 'unworkable'.

"We want to categorically state that, we as a party, shall not accept any process that is outside the purview of the constitution or offends the law as established," said Malala.

He reminded him that there exists a legitimate government and thus will not accept being pushed further.

"We call upon Raila to recognize that there is a legitimate government delivering the promises made to the electorate and implementing its pre-election agenda," said Malala.

The Azimio leader warned Tuesday that they will have to go back to demos if Ruto fails to take them seriously.

He said that they are focused on the outcome of the truce and will not be swayed.

"We assure our people and Kenyans that our eyes are firmly on the ball, and reiterate that we shall go back to the people as the earliest sign of lack of seriousness by the other side," he said.


In his demands, the opposition has suggested a conversation be at the national level through a process akin to the 2008 National Accord.

They are proposing a team drawn from its ranks both in Parliament and outside Bunge.

Malala has, however, said the formation of the body not legally recognized by the constitution or statute law amounts to "living in utopia and broad daylight hallucination".

According to the party, Raila has now proven that his demos are not genuine but a thirst for power through the backdoor.

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