United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) was on Monday forced to delete a tweet after it DREW numerous criticism on social media.
The tweet marking World Water Week was showing how UNICEF has taken steps toward ensuring that all children get clean drinking water.
"Slurp. Sip. Gulp. These little ones are enjoying a drink of water. As the water crisis intensifies around the world, UNICEF is working to ensure that the future is water-secure. #ForEveryChild," the tweet read.
Photos accompanying the tweet showed four children drinking water.
However, three of the children were black and were using their palms to facilitate the drinking of water straight from the tap.
The fourth photo was of a white girl who was drinking water from a glass.
Tweeps hit out at the UN organization for what they termed as racism and stereotyping.
Here are some of the reactions:
This advert stereotypes which children use a glass and which children drink from the tap https://t.co/v5xtbpJ1sn
— Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga (@RebeccaKadagaUG) August 29, 2022
What kind of racism is this @UNICEF? What do you intend to achieve with such an imbalanced picture? We demand an apology. Pulling it down means nothing. pic.twitter.com/68WXCXqlvN
— Siasa 101 (@chebett_) August 29, 2022
Is this much to ask for @UNICEF ? pic.twitter.com/hx8sBMOTi6
— ANDREW. (@mr_opaba) August 29, 2022
As we're all trying to fight against racism a world based organization is promoting it. Sad! @UNICEF #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/QmEKGM0ZZI
— 🐐 (@Kabetegoatt) August 29, 2022
You should be ashamed of yourselves @UNICEF pic.twitter.com/7BDbKg5b5S
— Mugambi Nandi (@MugambiNandi) August 29, 2022
Stop publishing stereotypical images of black children drinking from the tap; we, too, have glasses. @UNICEF pic.twitter.com/V3sklDNJP5
— Jonah Kirabo (@jonahkirabo) August 29, 2022
This too would have done. pic.twitter.com/LqhepAQtTc
— Roy Rugumayo (@roy_rugumayo) August 29, 2022
WATCH: The latest videos from the StarWhatever you are trying to mean with your picture choices doesn't portray what it should. This would fit the narrative better!!!#WorldWaterWeek pic.twitter.com/AOXCqIEgCn
— Kïný*J (@KJustin17) August 29, 2022