Why you should buy shoes in the evening

There is a reason we get tired of wearing shoes in the evening after a long day.

In Summary

•This is especially for people with diabetes and those that have bunions are advised to observe this.

•Gravity and hot weather also increase fluid retention.

Have you ever bought a shoe and been so delighted that it fits, only to be disappointed the next day when they become extremely uncomfortable?

Well, according to Dr. Crimson Wanjala, an Endocrinologist at St. Peter’s hospital in Kiambu, it is important to buy shoes at the right time of day, which most people are usually not aware of.

“Investing in the wrong footwear can really cost you. This is especially important for people with diabetes and those that have bunions,” he said during an interview with the Star on Tuesday.

Bunions are bony bumps that form on the joint at the base of the big toe.

Wanjala says bunions may cause, bone deformity, pain, and stiffness and it is often caused by wearing tight shoes, foot stress, genetics, or arthritis.

“There is a reason why we get tired of wearing shoes in the evening after a long day. This is because of fluid retention, which is worse in the evening, as sugar and salt concentration accumulates throughout the day,” Wanjala said.

Wanjala says that gravity and hot weather also increase fluid retention, which is why on a hot day, you are advised to wear looser, more open shoes. 

He advises buying shoes in the evening, when the fluid retention is at its maximum level. This means that when you wear the shoes all day they will continue to be comfortable into the evening. 

“If you plan to go shopping in the morning then buy footwear that is size more than your actual size,” he said.

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