Deputy President William Ruto on Sunday cautioned BBI proponents that he will "stop reggae" as they are sowing seeds of discord.
“I would like to tell you that this country is of worshippers. And if the issues of reggae and tsunami that we are being told cannot be stopped, if it’s that reggae of dividing Kenyans and bring tribalism, I promise you that reggae will stop,” Ruto said.
He spoke during a funds drive for the Full Gospel Church at Gatunduri and a similar function at Embu stadium.
The DP accused the proponents of the Building Bridges Initiative led by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga of turning the BBI into forums of polarising the country through ethnic hatred and incitement.
“Even yesterday I heard those people of reggae and tsunami complaining that Oh Ruto lacks time to attend BBI rallies but gets a lot of time to go to church."
He referred them to Mathew chapter 6:35 which, according to him, says that you seek first the Kingdom of God and its justice.
He condemned those who think that attending BBI rallies is more important than going to church.
“l heard the tsunami and reggae people say at the Narok rally that they will use BBl to stop donations to the church. l tell them that they won't succeed.”
Ruto said that every Kenyan has a right to live everywhere in the country and to do business there. People should seek leadership without being intimidated by anybody, he said.
He dismissed as liars and con men some of the people leading the BBI forums.