Police in Kitui East subcounty were on Tuesday investigating an incident in which a Primary school teacher was murdered in cold blood and her body set ablaze on Monday evening.
Subcounty police commander Consaga Malasi said on phone it had not been determined Daisy Mbaluka of Ndooni Primary School in Malalani location was lynched by mob or murdered by some individuals.
“The OCS has proceeded to the area. The report was given late. So the OCS will brief me once he gets to the scene since I cannot give a full report at the moment. He should ascertain whether there was a death and it was a murder,” said Malasi.
Malasi said there were conflicting reports about the incident, with mob justice and murder theories being floated. He said if it is established it was a murder, then the killer(s) would be pursued.
Kitui county director of education Salesa Adano condemned the killing of the teacher. He claimed a group of parents waylaid the teacher as she headed home from school on Monday, brutally slashed her with pangas to death and set her body on fire.
“This is a barbaric criminal incident. The security officers have moved there to establish what exactly happened. But we will follow up the matter to ensure justice is served for the teacher who was killed in cold blood,” Salesa said. He said there was no justification for a teacher to meet such inhumane death.
Information filtering in from Malalani said the teacher could have been lynched by community members who accused her of possessing witchcraft she used to torment children at Ndooni primary where she worked.