Stop dividing Luos along clans, council tells Kano elders

Chairman says such utterances were unfortunate and regrettable

In Summary

•This comes after a section of elders from Kano dismissed installation of Kisumu Senate aspirant Tom Ojienda as an elder, saying he was not from Kano.

•In his absence, Otondi named elders such as Ben Omollo (Migori), Joseph Gor (Homa Bay), Ndai (Siaya), Dalmas Aluodo (Kisumu) to speak on his behalf.

Luo council of elders from Kabondo Kasipul led by chairman Apolo Bwana during a meeting at Diakonia in Kojwach on January 7
Luo council of elders from Kabondo Kasipul led by chairman Apolo Bwana during a meeting at Diakonia in Kojwach on January 7

Luo Council of Elders chairman Willis Otondi has condemned some elders from Kano, Kisumu saying they are dividing the community along clans.

He termed their sentiments unacceptable.

Otondi said dividing Luo based on the clans is unhealthy for the unity and socio-economic growth of the region.

This comes after a section of elders from Kano dismissed installation of Kisumu Senate aspirant Tom Ojienda as an elder, saying he was not from Kano.

Recently, elders under the umbrella of Riuruok Dongo Kano Manyien which brings together 13 clans said they have not endorsed anybody.

They dissociated themselves with the endorsement and installation of Ojienda.

Kano elders’chairman Zablon Owuor Okoko said the rules governing the installation of someone as an elder were not followed. “He was installed as who and by which elders.” 

But Otondi said such utterances were unfortunate and regrettable, cautioning such elders to desist from dividing the community.

He said all Luos are one whether you come from Siaya or Kano.

“If you go to South Nyanza you’ll find that the clans were all from Central Nyanza, with some Shirati in Tanzania.  All the clans of Luo in Nyanza are Shirati where the late Benga musician Owino Misiani hailed from,” Otondi said.

Otondi said the elders who condemned Ojienda are outdated.

He said every aspirant in Nyanza is the son and daughter of the  community and should be supported. 

Otondi added, “We are one community whether you’re from Alego or Kano, we all speak in one voice and only judge you based on  your ideologies.”

He said Ojienda is a very qualified, experienced lawyer and a generous man who should be supported in his political ambition.

“Why do you condemn Ojienda just because he is eying a Senate seat yet he is in the house of our leader (Raila Odinga) and they know him? He is one of the lawyers who gives us legal advise as a community,” Otondi said.  

The chairman said the Luo Council of Elders has structures which should strictly be followed.

In his absence, Otondi named elders such as Ben Omollo (Migori), Joseph Gor (Homa Bay), Ndai (Siaya), Dalmas Aluodo (Kisumu) to speak on his behalf.

He added that in every village there are elders recognised and mandated to handle the council matters.

Otondi called on elders to follow the rules governing the council instead of making personal utterances that risk causing animosity.

“We have elders in every village who work closely with chiefs to streamline matters affecting our people,” he said.

Otondi said elders under the council know that only the chairman gives the authority to others to speak on his behalf.

He noted that the Luo community stands a better chance of clinching the presidency and should therefore be a good example to other communities by uniting behind Raila.

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