Ann waruguru, a lawyer and a training consultant for Kewopa speaking at the workshop/STEPHEN ASTARIKO

The Youth and women from Garissa during the one-day meeting
that was organized by kewopa/STEPHEN ASTARIKO
Kaltuma shale Mohamed called on Kewopa to hold such meetings more frequently, noting that they go along way
in not only enlightening them but also giving them good ideas on how to make it
in leadership.
“I want to sincerely thank our woman representative
and Kewopa for organising such a meeting. It is an eye opener for me. One thing
that comes out is that as women we need to be bold, aggressive, not afraid,
and above all, use our potential regardless of the challenges that we come
across in pursuit to lead in our counties,” she said.
On her part, Katra Omar regretted the long-held
cultural perception in the region that women should stay at home, be more quiet,
and be seen more as opposed to being heard more.
“I think there is no person who is more Kenyan than
the other. And as far as you are Kenyan and capable, you should be given the
opportunity to lead in any capacity, be it at the national or county level. This is
what my community needs to understand,” she said.
She added, "As we say, for as long as women are given the opportunity and chances to explore their potential, there is no limit to what we can do regardless of culture, religion, or even economic status. Women have been leading for the longest time, and our potential, especially in this part of the country, only needs to be tapped for us to realize our full potential as far as leadership is concerned.”
Elvis Wambura from the Garissa County Woman
Representative office lauded the discussions that he described as insightful,
noting that it was through them good ideas that helped the young people and women
“I am very happy with the discussions that come out of
this meeting. What comes out of it is that women want to lead; they want to
move beyond their challenges; they want to move beyond culture and some of the
practices that stop them from leading."
During the meeting, the participants were engaged on how they can mentor themselves, move beyond their county, and collaborate with other people across different counties and exchange ideas for the sole purpose of ensuring that they have been able to build their skills as leaders so that they are able to take up the mantle of leadership in the coming years.