Are you in good company?

Spend time with fools and you eventually become foolish.

In Summary

•Every person is a system. Therefore, when they enter or exit your life, there are tangible effects.

•Time spent with wise people would make you wise; spend time with fools and you eventually become foolish

Young people hang out/
Young people hang out/

As I grow through life’s journey and observe my environment, more than ever, I am convinced that the number one key to success is association.

Every person is a system. Therefore, when they enter or exit your life, there are tangible effects – and these effects determine the nature and magnitude of your success or failure.

Who are you becoming as the result of the people around you? Time spent with wise people would make you wise; spend time with fools and you eventually become foolish.

So, how do you know that you are in good or bad company? Here are three simple questions to help you get clarity.

Are they growing mentally and emotionally? This is huge. I cannot overemphasise the need to have people around you who are radically committed to their continuous mental and emotional growth. By this, I mean people who invest time, good money, and resources to ensure that they keep growing and stay healthy within. They work hard to become and remain healthy souls. If you find yourself in the company of this kind of people, you have won the lottery because they will fuel your growth.

Are they committed to your success and wellbeing? You know that you are in good company when your inner circle is determined to see you succeed and do well. They do their best to expose you to opportunities and resources that increase your chances of success. These are people who have an intoxicating drive to help you win every step of the way. They are not the kind of people who watch you struggle and do not lift a finger to help you. Good company is people who are committed to your purpose and have your well-being on their priority list.

Do they call out your nonsense? There are times in life when we act foolishly, miss the mark, make mistakes, and generally get it wrong. At such times, you know you are in good company when the people around you can call out your foolishness and confront your nonsense. In life, it is a privilege to have people who can set you straight when you get out of line. When this correction system is in place, the damages from mistakes are often minimised, and people find the clarity to course-correct faster. If no one can correct you, then you are in trouble and you may need to review your inner circle. But when you are surrounded by good counsel, you are safe.

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