Ochola urges FKF officials to vacate office ahead of elections

In Summary

• Ochola, a presidential aspirant for the FKF, emphasized the need for compliance with the country’s legislative framework.

• In his bid announcement, Ochola extended an open invitation to stakeholders to join hands in the noble mission of reviving Kenyan football’s fortunes.

Gor Mahia secretary general Sam Ocholla (right) receives Betway Cup winners prize money from FKF CEO Barry Otieno at Kandanda House.
Gor Mahia secretary general Sam Ocholla (right) receives Betway Cup winners prize money from FKF CEO Barry Otieno at Kandanda House.
Image: FILE

Gor Mahia Secretary General Sam Ochola wants Football Kenya Federation (FKF) officials to vacate office ahead of the forthcoming elections.

Ochola, a presidential aspirant for the FKF, emphasised the need for compliance with the country’s legislative framework.

“All FKF officials who came to office in 2016 must prepare to vacate office in line with the Constitution of Kenya 2010. Any extension or attempt to stay longer than October 2024, will amount to non-compliance and violation of the law,” Ochola asserted, underlining the urgency of the situation.

While making his bid announcement, Ochola extended an open invitation to stakeholders to join hands in the noble mission of reviving Kenyan football’s fortunes.

“It’s my pleasure to invite you to this journey of rescuing our game. This journey will culminate into FKF elections later this year, an exercise I have already declared my candidature,” Ocholla added.

He reiterated his stance on the directive issued by the Sports CS Ababu Namwamba, emphasizing the significance of adhering to term limits as also outlined in the Sports Act 2013.

“My team and I, wish to reiterate our support and adherence to the directive issued by Namwamba, who urged sports federations to follow rules relating to term limits as captured in the Sports Act 2013.”

Furthermore, Ochola and his team expressed their commitment to rebooting and returning Kenyan football to its glory days, with a special focus on hosting Afon 2027 and targeting the World Cup 2030.

 “All stakeholders should remain steadfast and vigilant as we head towards the direction of rescuing our football from ridicule. We must reboot and return to our glory days and once again join the League of Africa football elites as we prepare to host Afcon and also focus on World Cup 2030.”

Former FKF Presidential aspirants Lordvick Aduda, experienced administrator Twaha Mbarak, and Sammy Kempes are among notable figures who have expressed interest in the top seat.

The Annual General Meeting is set for March 16 in Nairobi while the elections are in October. Once members of the federation are cleared and deemed to have met the eligibility criteria, they will be entitled to participate in FKF activities.