Madoya confident of MKO slot after ruling Muthaiga

Dismas Indiza still leads the Safari Tour order of merit despite a joint eighth position at Muthaiga.

In Summary

Madoya fired seven-under par 277 gross to win the penultimate leg of the 2023-24 season at the Par 71 Muthaiga Golf Club course.

•Madoya birdied five holes on the front nine but appeared somewhat cautious in the back nine, where he patted 8 holes and birdied only one.

Jastas Madoya with Safari Tour Muthaiga Leg Trophy
Jastas Madoya with Safari Tour Muthaiga Leg Trophy

Following a spate of bad results, Muthaga’s Safari Tour winner Justas Madoya believes he is now in a good position to make the final team of eight pros for this month’s Magical Kenya Open.

The Great Rift Valley professional fired seven-under par 277 gross to win the penultimate leg of the 2023-24 season at the Par 71 Muthaiga Golf Club course.

Madoya, who is among the few Kenyan pros to cut MKO European Tour status since 2019, eclipsed home player Mutahi Kibugu by a solitary shot to lay his hand on the coveted Muthaiga leg title.

The result saw him move up the log from 11th to sixth in the “Road to Kenya Open” series—where the top eight local pros and two from the region will qualify for the DP World Tour (formerly European Tour) event from February 22-25.

Muthaiga’s penultimate round-handed golfers have an opportunity to feel the MKO venue before Safari Tour’s closing leg at Karen Country Club this weekend.

“Karen has always been a good hunting ground and I’m looking to improve my ranking by ending the season finale on a high,” said Madoya.

Madoya birdied five holes on the front nine but appeared somewhat cautious in the back nine, where he patted 8 holes and birdied only one.

“The back nine at Muthaiga has always given me problems, so, I didn’t want to take any unnecessary risks. I was okay with pars,” said Madoya, whose round of four-under-par 67 enabled him to topple round three leader Mutahi Kibugu.

Mutahi has always played well at Muthaig, where he has always made local knowledge count. He was the sole Kenyan to cut last year’s MKO. Maisha was all smiles after registering his first win of the season.

Asked about his dip in form since the start of the 2023-24 season, Madoya explained: “I have struggled quite a bit health-wise for the better part of the season, but I’m back into the rhythm. I have been working to perfect my swing all this while. I’m glad that my tee shots have been amazing at Muthaiga as I didn’t meet the thick rough much.”

Madoya wasn’t sure he had beaten Kibugu when he signed for his score at the last hole.

“I realised I had won by one stroke the moment I strolled out of the last green. It’s a shame though I have not won any other leg this season due to bad form. I’m confident I will play in the Kenyan Open. I have done it many times before. Let’s see what the challenge at Karen brings,” Madoya expounded. Third on four- under par 289 was Eric Ooko of Golf Park as Namibian Paulino Kasoma and Njoroge Kibugu tied for fourth on level par 284 gross.

Meanwhile, Dismas Indiza still leads the Safari Tour order of merit despite a joint eighth position at Muthaiga. The Mumias long hitter is on 244.5 points against Railways’ Samuel Njoroge’s 211.0. Muthaiga’s Greg Snow is lying third on the Safari Tour log with 189.3 points ahead of Mombasa pro-Daniel Nduva with 160.5.

Safari Tour (Muthaiga)

1. Jastas Madoya  277 (-7)

2. Mutahi Kibugu 278 (-6)

3.Erick Ooko 280 (-4)

T4. Paulino Kasoma (Nam) 284 (Par)

T4. Kibugu Njoroge 284 (Par))

6. Greg snow 285 (+1)

7. Ronald Rugumayo (Ug) 286 (+2)

T8. Dismas Indiza 287 (+3)

T8. Samuel Njoroge 287 (+3)

T10. Riz Charania 288 (+4)

T10. Nelson Mudanyi 288 (+4)


2023/2024 Order of Merit

1. Dismas Indiza 244.5

2. Samuel Njoroge 211.0

3. Greg Snow 189.3

T4. Daniel Nduva 160.5

T4. Njoroge Kibugu 160.5

6. Jastas Madoya 125.5

7. Visitor Mapwanya 125.0

8.Mike Kisia 124.8

9. Mohit Mediratta118.0

10 David Kamulindwa 111.0


Safari Tour winners

Uganda Open: Dismas Indiza(Mumias)

Vetlab SC: Mike Kisia

Sigona GC:  Greg Snow (Muthaiga)

Limuru GC: Dismas Indiza (Mumias)

Muthaiga GC: Justas Madoya (Great Rift)