CHERUIYOT: Bomas coup plotters must be prosecuted after inquiry

It should not be lost to Kenyans on how the IEBC was infiltrated, imploded, bastardized and captured by the dark forces

In Summary

• President William Ruto must not hesitate to form the Commission of Inquiry into the iniquity that rocked Bomas.

• The unfortunate acts put the country into repulsive shame and nearly plunged the country into precipice.

Chaotic scenes at the Bomas of Kenya on August 15, 2022
Chaotic scenes at the Bomas of Kenya on August 15, 2022
Image: FILE

The anarchists and coup plotters that attempted to subvert the will of the people at Bomas on August, 15 , 2022 ignominy must be brought to account .

The melodrama that visited the national tallying centre at the hour of reckon marks the lowest and yet the darkest point in Kenya’s election history alongside the 2007-08 post election infamy.

That the merchants of impunity are walking around goading and gloating at everyone is a terrible shame that must be permanently nipped. The wheels of Justice and rule of law must grind to ensure stability and peace prevails now and for posterity.

Central to putting the dark moments behind us, is ensuring the sanctity and independence of institutions reclaim their rightful place as prescribed by our progressive and self-defending Constitution.

President William Ruto must not hesitate to form the Commission of Inquiry into the iniquity that rocked Bomas. The unfortunate acts put the country into repulsive shame and nearly plunged the country into precipice.

With the inquiry, President Ruto , will deter economic and constitutional saboteurs from planning and executing such treasonous acts in future . The integrity of the vote, respect of constitutional institutions and the will of the people will forever be safeguarded by severely punishing the purveyors of the Bomas chaos.

The electoral has been touted as the most dangerous institution to work in. The chairman, commissioners, secretariat and even suppliers are often maligned, character assassinated, pilloried and hounded when results do not favor some political actors. This time around, the sleeper commissioners planted to implode and cause turmoil during the 2022 General Election nearly ruined the trust and confidence that the agency has painstakingly built over years.

The startling revelations that came out the tribunal hearings should be a warning shot to those aspiring to work in the institution and those tasked with the onerous mandate of recruiting commissioners and the chairperson. Clearly, the disgraceful ‘Cherera Four’ has set the record of being microcosm of everything ugly and nasty. They are a case study on who should never set a foot in the crucial electoral agency.

It should not be lost to Kenyans on how the IEBC was infiltrated, imploded, bastardized and captured by the dark forces . It’s a big shame that the then Director of Criminal investigations and two other ministries constantly meddled and purported to dictate to an Independent Constitutional Commission on how to conduct their business.

The arrest, illegal detention, confiscation of equipment, kidnapping, torture and brutal killing of staff ahead of and during the August polls must be investigated and justice seen to be served .

It would be imperative for the inquiry to hear testimonies from key people in the previous rogue administration who worked overtime to subvert the will of the people.

It is unsettling, that even the military which is a sacred institution were roped into the evil scheme to violently upset constitution and supreme voice of the people. All the functionaries and mandarins etched at the powerful offices alongside crucial national installations must be hold to account for their role in plotting the chaos.

The 2010 constitution envisions institutions working seamlessly and outliving the individuals. Strengthening of the same institutions is a recipe for a stable nation.

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