
From ChatGPT to Tesla, the dark side of Artificial Intelligence

It's important to keep in mind that AI should serve humanity, rather than replace it.

In Summary
  • Over the years AI has progressed, these days there is no need to write an email, edit a picture physically, or even take meeting notes, AI can do that.
  • Rise in hacking, Artificial intelligence increases the speed of what can be accomplished and in many cases, it exceeds our ability as humans to follow along.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or a robot to do tasks that humans usually do.

AI leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind.

Over the years AI has progressed, these days there is no need to write an email, edit a picture physically, or even take meeting notes, AI can do that.

The dangers of A.I

Unemployment, certain jobs risk being taken over by AI An example is customer service.

Chatbots are a main threat to this job both physically and digitally. At the Dubai 2020 expo, a famous robot named Opti handled customer service really well. This highlights that such jobs are at risk among many others.

Bias, AI algorithms are built by humans, they can have built-in biases by those who either intentionally or inadvertently introduce them into the algorithm.

If AI algorithms are built with a bias or the data in the training sets they are given to learn from is biased, they will produce results that are biased. Exposing humans to consequences that they have to bear.

Rise in hacking, Artificial intelligence increases the speed of what can be accomplished and in many cases, it exceeds our ability as humans to follow along.

Such scenarios may encourage hacking of accounts, phishing, and delivery of viruses and trojans to computer systems, this cripples computer, smartphone, and any systems that operate digitally.

Lastly, human beings may use AI to benefit themselves individually especially if such technology falls on people craving power. It may be used to instigate wars and create political unrest in countries.

Ahmed khadar, a Tech ICT expert says "AI has its benefits, it's steadily growing at an alarming rate, but for me, I think if it's not well managed and utilized then we are in very tough times in the future.''

Let's dive into some examples of AI.


Chatbots are perfect examples of AI, these bots can act as human customer care service providers.

Chatbots use AI and machine learning to answer basic customer questions and provide solutions to customer problems.

They are swift and efficient in this process. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022.

It can carry out different assignments such as generating ideas and creating content, handling your routines and workflows, act as a coding assistant to programmers proficient in programming languages like C++, Python, JavaScript, and others.

Smart cars.

AI has made its way to the automotive industry, with cars such as Teslas' and the Mercedes EQS line. These vehicles are equipped with state-of-the-art technology from smart navigation, accident detection, and super performance.

AI art.

AI has also invaded the world's art scene, certain websites can now generate pictures and murals in hours or minutes depending on the workload assigned to it.

Finally, as we continue to advance in this field, it is important to keep in mind that AI is a tool that should serve humanity, rather than replace it.

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