Pursue work-life balance to create time for friends

Let that road trip leave the group chat

In Summary

• Where does one strike the balance?

• Should work burnout remind you that you need that break?

Friends pose for a photo before a trip
Friends pose for a photo before a trip

This is a reminder to work less and relax more sometimes. 

The current work life, to most, is almost too demanding. It's crazy. 

It is too demanding to the point where in order to survive, you need at least three different sources of income.

Juggling all of them needs skill, but the ultimate test is creating time for friends.

Here’s where the whole recharging your social battery situation comes in.

We talked about that recently.

Some of us today don’t have the time for friends and when we do, we just don’t want to go anywhere that is far from the comfort of our homes.

There are those who don’t find it a challenge to squeeze in some hangout time.

Mind you, they still work those crazy shifts and are still doing more than one job.

But the ultimate goal here is making time for friends. 

I am sure even the lone rangers have that one friend whom they have time for. 

My friends and I have been planning a hangout for the longest time and it hasn’t left the group chat. 

One favourite TikToker said in one of her videos that we need a national holiday to hang out with friends.

“We just need one day where everything stops,” she said. 

I couldn’t agree more with her.

Sometimes when some are available, the other half of the crew is tied up with things to do. 

I really do hope the road trip makes it out of the group chat. 

But where does one strike the balance?

Should burnout at work remind you that you need that break?

Should it remind you that you have friends or that you have a life outside the office?

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

One close friend sent me a video on Instagram, and I found it quite interesting.

To the baby boomers and the millennials, I know your argument will be that this looks like a Gen Z type of thing.

“To avoid straining your eyes at work, remember the 20-60-20 rule,” the video said.

“After 20 minutes of work, take 60 minutes to book flights and hotels, and then disappear for 20 days.”

This sounded so right to me and to some extent, I was like, 'Yeah!' 

I need 20 days to disappear. 

“Make it 20 years,” one comment read. 

“Thought it was 20 years? Oops, too late now. Already committed now,” another user commented.

At this point, I feel like telling my friends to just switch off their phones and then we can just disappear for 20 days.

But the kind of society we live in today is just a constant reminder that money is fuel.

And again, it is not that serious. 

Just pump the brakes a little.

Shoutout to my Gen Zs who rarely find it hard to just pump the brakes.

Sometimes you don’t need to be around the workplace.

Other times, you don't need to be alone. 

Sometimes, you need that road trip and you need your friends. 

The kind of pressure we receive today is too much, and we need to slow down.

Your health should not be at risk because you are working four jobs and lack time to be around people. 

Today's work environment is too much, and I tend to think that is the reason why people's social batteries are depleted and need serious recharging. 

So, just try to balance your work. Remember you have a personal life and plan that road trip or that fun activity.

Avoid pushing the dates forward. 

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