How to make soft layered chapati

Chapati is an unleavened flatbread which is believed to have originated from India.

In Summary
  • Chapati's mostly enjoyed with tea, coffee, curry dishes, or even vegetables.

  • To make soft layered chapatis preparation is key, a longer preparation time provides the desired results.

Soft layered chapatis
Soft layered chapatis
Image: FILE

Chapati is an unleavened flatbread which is believed to have originated from India.

It is mostly enjoyed with tea, coffee, curry dishes or even vegetables.

To make soft layered chapatis preparation is key, a longer preparation time provides the desired results.

Using plenty of cooking oil and a repeat process of coiling the dough allows for the creation of good soft layered chapatis.


  • 4 cups of flour
  • 2 cups of warm water
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Cooking oil


Step 1

Add 4 cups of flour into a bowl, add salt and sugar to the flour then add 2 cups of warm water.

Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon till the salt and sugar dissolve. Make sure the flour mixture has a thick soft consistency.

Step 2

Once the flour mixture has a thick soft consistency, start kneading the dough for 10 minutes, adding flour to the dough till it becomes firm and is not sticky.

Add 5 tablespoons of oil to the dough and shape it in a circular form. Let it rest for 40 minutes.

Step 3

After 40 minutes, put the dough on a clean cooking surface, spread some flour on the surface and roll the dough flatly.

Add cooking oil to make it soft while cutting into 15-20 equal parts.

Once cut, fold and coil the equal parts into a rope shape into small balls and lay on the surface.

Step 4

Add more flour to the surface and take each of the dough balls, press flat onto the surface to form a circular shape and start rolling into a bigger size for cooking.

Using a rolling pin, roll evenly on the sides and centre to adjust the dough evenly.

Repeat the process for the other dough balls.

Step 5

Heat a pan at low medium heat, place the rolled-out chapati and add 1 tablespoon for each side to fry till golden brown.

Repeat the process for each chapati.

Place your cooked chapatis in a hot pot.

Step 6

Serve with a stew of your choice and enjoy.

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