Food for thought: Reduce food waste to benefit environment

Food waste is a major problem globally.

In Summary
  • It can only be combated by implementing sustainable practices and good consumer habits.
  • By creating awareness around this topic we can create a more efficient food system that benefits both the planet and its inhabitants. 
Workers at a farm
FOOD SECURITY: Workers at a farm
Image: FILE

Global hunger isn't about a lack of food.

Right now, the world produces enough food. But nearly a third of all food produced each year is squandered or lost before it can be consumed. This is according to the World Food Programme.

Food waste refers to any edible material that is discarded, lost, or uneaten. This can include food that is thrown away at home, restaurants, supermarkets, and any other place that serves or handles food.

Foods that are left over after cooking,  expired foods, or foods that are simply not consumed due to excess production or over-ordering all end up contributing to food waste. 

Below are some practices that one can undertake to manage food waste

Plan your meals and shop smart, before you go grocery shopping - make a list of what you need and plan your meals for the week. This will help you avoid overbuying and prevent food from going to waste.

Storing food properly helps extend the life of your food- For example, keeping vegetables in the fridge and storing bread in a cool, dry place can help prevent spoilage.

If you have excess food that is still edible, consider donating it to a local food bank or shelter, other than leaving it to spoil.

Get creative with your leftovers by turning them into new dishes -For example, leftover vegetables can be turned into soups or stir-fry.

Leftover bread can be made into croutons or breadcrumbs, thus giving them a new purpose.

Spread the word about the importance of reducing food waste, and encourage others to take action as well.

Some adverse effects of this practice include

Contribution to greenhouse gas emissions - Food waste decomposes and releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas, that contributes immensely to global warming and climate change.

Financial loss - Restaurants, hotels, and individual households incur this loss since, consumers waste money on food they do not consume, while businesses may lose money on unsold inventory as well as waste disposal costs. 

Food waste exacerbates food insecurity and hunger, particularly in lower-income communities. Additionally, the resources used to produce wasted food could have been used to produce food for those in need.

In conclusion, food waste is a major problem globally.

It can only be combated by implementing sustainable practices and good consumer habits.

By creating awareness around this topic we can create a more efficient food system that benefits both the planet and its inhabitants. 

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