Honours list must reflect true merit

In Summary
  • Our farmers, our teachers, our nurses, our doctors and our bus drivers each count on their own unique attributes.
  • It might help to break down the list into specific areas so that the entire spectrum feels that the highest office in the land is cognisant of their efforts.

President William Ruto on Tuesday, to mark the 60th Jamhuri Day, published a list of 938 Kenyans he decorated with orders and awards for their unique and outstanding contributions to nation-building.

Politicians, top civil servants, their close allies, soldiers and police officers dominate the list.

The valour and patriotism of our soldiers always inspire national pride. They deserve every bit of their rewards. Politicians have some work to do to improve their public view.

Interestingly, some politicians, full of their own sense of self-importance decided within hours of the awards, to raise a hullabaloo sulking as to why they were not recognised.

We take the view that the teams that prepare the list must by now know that Kenya is made up of diverse professions each making their efforts to make the country stand on its feet and proud in the region and beyond.

Our farmers, our teachers, our nurses, our doctors and our bus drivers each count on their own unique attributes.

It might help to break down the list into specific areas so that the entire spectrum feels that the highest office in the land is cognisant of their efforts.

The awards should not be about massaging leaders' egos but a true recognition of individuals’ contributions to a better Kenya, their status in society notwithstanding.

Quote of the Day: “Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder..”

George Washington

The American Founding Father died on December 14, 1799

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