Counties must justify more funding, show development

In Summary

• Relief as three-month stalemate over county funding has ended.

• But counties must demonstrate that these funds, like others before them, will not end up in individuals' pockets.

New bank notes
New bank notes

The Senate has paved way for passage of the Division of Revenue Bill after an impasse that almost caused county operations to grind to a halt

Senators last week accepted a Sh316.5 billion allocation for counties proposed in the revised 2019 Division of Revenue Bil, ending a three-month stalemate.

MPs revised the allocation upward from Sh310 billion after the Senate and Council of Governors demanded Sh335 billion, as set out by the Controller of Budget and Commission on Revenue Allocation.


It's a relief the Senate ceded ground despite failure by a mediation committee between the two houses to agree and a pending case at the Supreme Court.

Saddening, however, is that most of the funds, the sweat of taxpayers, ends up in individuals' pockets.

Devolution was expected to end the continued use of funds by the centre to reward politically supportive regions while marginalising others that were perceived as not being pro-government.

However,  theft in counties has defeated this intention and enriched individuals.

In some counties now wailing for more money, much devolution funding has been unused. 

The EACC, DCI, the Auditor General and other investigative and oversight bodies must not relent in the fighting corruption to ensure counties get value for money and citizens get development.

Quote of the Day: “There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth.”


Leo Tolstoy

The Russian novelist (Anna Karenina, War and Peace) was born on September 9, 1828.

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