Is evil on victory lap in Kenya?

Corruption is dangerous.Photo/File
Corruption is dangerous.Photo/File

Are corruption and other forms of moral depravity

the new normal in our society? Has common

decency been bludgeoned out of existence? Are

we afraid to stand up for what is right?

Corruption and all kinds of moral depravity

could be the new normal because half of Kenyan

youth believe it doesn’t matter how one makes

money; 47 per cent admire those who make money by

hook or crook; 35 per cent would take or give a bribe and

30 per cent believe corruption is profitable.

In addition, 73 per cent are afraid to stand up for what is

right: See no evil and hear no evil.

Last week, I was privileged to join outstanding young

Kenyans at the Wangari Maathai Foundation’s Youth Cafe.

These men and women drawn from across this great

land were passionate, visionary, ambitious, altruistic and


We talked about who they are, their personal stories,

their ups and downs. We talked about their source what

made them who they are or what they are continually

evolving into.

We talked about values the essence and the banks of

their beliefs and principles. 

They shared their thoughts

and experiences as children growing up, as college

students, as citizens and as young parents.

We talked about this unprecedented demographic

moment in our history. Unprecedented because Kenyans

aged below 35 years constitute about 80 per cent of our

population. It is unprecedented because the median age in

Kenya is less than 20 years.

It is unprecedented because the future of this country

is not being determined by some extraterrestrial beings or

providence. The construction of the future is happening

before our own eyes, through the policies, investment,moral and ethical choices we make today.

These young people were clear about some

fundamentals in ways that horrify and inspire. In their

view, the pursuit of material success high grades, power

and money has sapped all the juice for goodness and

moral integrity from young people.

They also believe that

what many young men

like them have become is

what society has poured

into them.They believe

there is a debilitating

dearth of positive role

models in our society.

During the

conversation about

leadership at all

levels in society they

delivered a very powerful indictment; “fish rots from the

head”. The imagery is powerful and insightfully sobering.

They believe that this country has too many leaders,

ranging from academic, business, religious and civil

society to political, but woefully lacks leadership.

In their view failed leadership is at the heart of Kenya’s

predicament runaway corruption in both the public

and private sectors egged on by greedy citizens, lazy and

disengaged citizens unwilling to hold all of us to account,

faith leaders who have chosen to pass the other way,

unwilling to attend to a wounded and bleeding society.

My frustration is with the overabundance of clever

diagnosis data and anecdotes of our predicament but

limited capacity to mobilise for action and change.

We must escape from the purgatory of analysis paralysis.

Let’s do something, you and I.

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