Uhuru should be patient, no need for drama - MP Koech

"They will get their money. There is no need to dramatise."

In Summary
  • Koech termed the move by the former president's office to clarify the matter regarding its budget dramatic and political.
  • Koech said the state is not petty and will accord the former president his benefits.
Belgut MP Nelson Koech.
Belgut MP Nelson Koech.
Image: FILE

Belgut Member of Parliament Nelson Koech has urged former president Uhuru Kenyatta to be patient and avoid sensationalizing the matter regarding budgetary allocations to his office.

Speaking on Citizen TV on Tuesday, Koech termed the move by the former president's office to clarify the matter regarding its budget dramatic and political.

"I will say this, the office of the retired president Uhuru Kenyatta should be patient. They will get their money. There is no need to dramatise," he said.

Koech said the state is not petty and will accord the former president his benefits.

"I did say that this government is not petty. It will not do to Uhuru Kenyatta what it did to William Ruto," he said adding that the former president has not been denied his remuneration.

"What is so urgent that we must cater for a president who is otherwise comfortable?" he asked.

The lawmaker added that every Kenyan is facing tough economic times adding that the former president should not be an exception.

The MP took issue with the former President's continued involvement in politics as Azimio chair and Jubilee party leader saying that is a violation of the law.

The remarks by the MP come after Uhuru's office faulted the state for not honouring his constitutional rights in accordance with the Retirement Benefits Acts.

Uhuru's spokesman Kanze Dena said the office has been deprived of budget and only received Sh28m in the last financial year despite the office being allocated over Sh1 billion.

The Sh28m the office received was in the year 2022/2023 when parliament allocated Sh655 million to his office.

This comes following accusations made by the office of the former president on Monday, accusing the state of neglecting his office thereby forcing him to foot bills.

According to the accusations made by the office of the former president, in the year 2022/2023 parliament allocated 655 million to his office of which only 28 million has been accounted for.

In the 2023/2024 financial year, the office was allocated Sh503. Kanze says no single sent has been received from the allocation.

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